Fleet Safety Posters

Download our free road safety posters. Print and display them to remind your business drivers of the best ways to stay safe on the road.

Highway Code 2022: extensive new changes to the code - are your drivers aware?

The Highway Code was updated early in 2022, with the adoption of the Hierarchy of Road Users – a principle that prioritises the safety of the most vulnerable. Drivers have new responsibilities, and will need to adapt their behaviour in certain scenarios.

We’ve created this set of posters that you can use to make sure your drivers understand the new rules, and to encourage them to adopt the latest guidance.

More driving tips posters

Stay safe this season with our winter driving tips

Winter is full of unique hazards, and being fully aware of the dangers and knowing how to deal with them is key to safeguarding your fleet during the cold months. Download our Winter Driving Tips posters to boost awareness and highlight some key skills and prep that could help your drivers maximise their safety this winter.

Overloading Vehicles

It’s important to know the weight limits for your vehicle: the cost of exceeding those limits could be someone losing their life in a serious on-road incident. Download our Vehicle Overloading posters to remind drivers about the best ways to avoid exceeding the weight limits of their vehicle.

Motorway Driving

Motorways are one of the safest road types in the UK, but higher speeds, large volumes of traffic and the introduction of smart motorways mean there’s now more that your drivers need to consider when driving on the motorway. Download our Motorway Driving posters to remind you and your drivers of the best ways to stay safe on UK motorways.

Driving Comfortably

Staying comfortable can help you to concentrate on the road ahead, especially true for business drivers who spend many hours on the roads at a time. Download our Driving Comfortably poster for our tips on finding the right seating position. 

Driving in Towns

In-town driving may be at lower speeds, but hazards such as an increased number of pedestrians and stationary vehicles mean that all drivers need to remain vigilant. Download our Driving in Towns poster to remind your drivers of these key considerations.

Tyre Checks

Business drivers and fleet managers need to ensure that all the tyres on company vehicles are fit for purpose, including those on company cars and grey fleet. Download our Tyre Check poster to prompt your drivers to carry out these routine checks on their vehicles.

Vulnerable Road Users – Pedestrians, Cyclists, Motorcyclists, Horse Riders

A vulnerable road user is someone who has very little or no protection around them. There are many types including Pedestrians, Cyclists, Motorcyclists and Horse Riders. Our Vulnerable Road Users posters have been created to help remind drivers of the key considerations when dealing with these road users.

Alcohol and Driving

Any amount of alcohol can have severe consequences when getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Our Alcohol and Driving posters have been designed to remind your drivers of the key reasons why drinking and driving should never be mixed. It’s always best to have none for the road.

Seatbelt Safety

In 2018 31% of people killed in vehicles were not wearing their seat belt. Click below to download and display our seatbelt safety posters and remind your drivers of the reasons to wear their seatbelt, no matter how many times they get in and out of their vehicle.

Driver Fatigue

Fatigue is a major contributor to on-road crashes in the UK. Our Driver Fatigue posters showcase some of our top recommendations for avoiding drowsiness behind the wheel, particularly important for business drivers who spend long periods of time on the road.

Parking and Manoeuvring

Fixing scratches and dents can be a major expenditure for fleets. Show your drivers the best way to avoid picking up damage on their vehicles during tight manoeuvres by displaying our Parking and Manoeuvring posters.

Driving at Night

With 40% of road collisions occurring at night, it’s important for your drivers to understand and anticipate the hazards that night-time driving can bring. Print and display our Driving at Night posters to remind your drivers of these key considerations.

Rural Driving

Of all the on-road fatalities in 2018, the majority (58%) occurred along rural roads. Print off our Rural Driving posters to remind your drivers of the unique hazards that these roads present.

Eco Driving

Maintaining momentum while avoiding harsh braking and acceleration is the safe way to increase your MPG. Use these Eco Driving posters to give your drivers top ways of saving fuel or electricity when driving.

Interested in learning more?

Contact us for a chat about the work we’ve done and find out how we can work together.