
Road Safety Week: Siemens puts the focus on driver safety

By 23rd November 2018October 30th, 2019No Comments
Siemens Newcastle Road Safety Week

A great example of leading by example: supporting Siemens' staff engagement initiative

With at-work drivers being such a high-risk group, something that’s becoming increasingly important to road safety is employee engagement, and much of the work we do with our clients involves supporting their efforts to establish a safe driving culture within their business. It’s brilliant when employers really get behind this idea, taking opportunities to promote road safety awareness to employees who drive for work, and demonstrating that they care about their safety.

Siemens Road Safety Week Dan Tyler

One such employer is Siemens, who have a large number of sites around the UK and a very diverse workforce, many of whom spend a lot of time out on the road, and we work with them a lot. As part of their support for Road Safety Week campaign run by fellow road safety charity Brake, Siemens invited me to take part in an all-staff event at their Newcastle offices, where I had a chance to chat with drivers from across the business (over a nice bit of cake) about how driver training can help them to become safer and less stressed. Also supporting the event were members of Northumbria Advanced Motorcyclists; an IAM RoadSmart group that provides Advanced Rider courses in the north-east.

Talking to staff and to members of other road safety organisations means I always learn something new too. The thing that will stick with me from this event was this: how often do we ask ourselves “am I fit to drive today?” Specifically today – not last week or last month – is there anything affecting you that could mean your driving isn’t as safe as it should be? It could be anything from tiredness, stress or illness to residual alcohol, but it’s important to consider these things as a driver and take appropriate action.

Having an employer who takes this kind of issue seriously can be hugely reassuring for anyone who drives as part of their job.

Dan Tyler, Business Manager

Dan Tyler with Stig
Gary Bates

Author Gary Bates

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